Like Father, Like Daughter Poem by A D

Like Father, Like Daughter

Rating: 4.0

You say I keep secrets and lie to your face
You say I disrespect you because some pieces of my life
are without a trace
Like Father, Like Daughter
Let's really keep it real,
the only reason I can't feel is because you hide the truth like it's no big deal
The anger inside of you comes out in the light,
Every time something small happens you have to start a big fight.
You say that it's me but I really think it's you
To tell you the truth, you really have no clue.
I try to stay happy even if I'm not,
I pull a big facade, I think I learned alot.
Practice what you preach,18yrs of BS that you always try to hide.
I hear bits and pieces of what you want me to hear and when I asked your girlfriend the two stories weren't too clear.
Let's take a minute to ourselves and look back for a while
Who'd take family trips with another family while I'm home with your mom, you're one big child!
You tell me to grow up but you should grow up too,
Keeping secrets isn't a good quality but I'll do me and you do you...
Everything isn't fine and dandy, no matter how hard you try to play it off, you're still mean and angry and I'm always on the fence and always in distress.
Admit this isn't what you wanted
You didn't want me!
I'd like to hang from a tree to see
if you actually cared about me...
I don't want to hide or not tell the truth but as long as you stay bitter and angry I'll never feel that this worth it, this so called you and me...
Like Father, Like Daughter
The pain never fades, is it really worth all the pain, tears, heartache, trials and tribulations but as long as I'm around they'll be plenty more aspirations....



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