Frederick George Scott Poems

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The Poet's Song

I HID in the world and sang,
And I sang so loud and long
That all the ages rang
With the music of my song.


DO you remember how, one autumn night,
We sat upon the rocks and watched the sea
In dreamlike silence, while the moonlight fell
On you and me?

On The Cliff

I SEE the great blue ocean kiss the sky
Far to the South, I hear the sea-gulls wail
Among the crags, while underneath the sail
Goes swiftly by.

Lines Written On Finishing The Life Of Milton

I CLOSED the book, but fancied still
I heard, like distant music roll,
The far-off echoes in my soul
Of his great life. I listened till,


THERE'S a lonely spot in the soul of man,
More lone than the moonless sea;
And a gulf, that never a bridge can span,
'Tween him and all that be;

Too Late

HOPE? What! hope !—you say there is hope for the long-lost one!
Hope! when the light is out; hope! when the oil is done;
Hope! No, no, good lady! no hope for me, at least;
No home for me but the clammy grave when life has ceased.

A Mood

AS some great cloud upon a mountain's breast,
Hanging for ever, shutteth out the sun,
Its chilly fingers twining in the trees
And blighting them, so ever one dark thought


THEY were islanders, our fathers were,
And they watched the encircling seas,
And their hearts drank in the ceaseless stir,
And the freedom of the breeze;


MY heart it lies beyond, dear,
In the land of the setting day,
Where the whispers are soft and fond, dear,
Of the voices that pass away;

A Fancy

A LITTLE sprite sat on a moonbeam,
When the night was waning away,
And over the world to the eastward
Spread the first faint flush of day.

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