Liquid Fantastic Poem by Clare McWilliams

Liquid Fantastic

Into the shadows of my mind - I will bring you
If you let me..
If I love you.
But to worm into my soul? - It will take more
I won't let you..
Unless you love me.
Come into my world and -You will see that
Inner complex..
Fighting reason.
I can guarantee that it will be - a place where
Dreams are liquid..
And fantastic.
Listen to me now - and I will tell you
A little story - about one night

When two people opened up their souls together
Summer writhing.
And the magic they created was majestic
It was feeling..
Perfect teaming.
Arch of back and touch of jaw -let it be known
Silent whisper..
And one called out to a god they don't believe in
Religious conflict..
So revealing.

Subjugation of the self - to favour other
Two reflexive..
Human beings.
Love stains trailed across the mind - do incur damage
Blind confusion..
Pending heartache.
But unless one goes and jumps - into the water
Never drowning..
Never floating.

A lifetime spent not searching - is just wasted
Don't you think so?
What would I know.
For that night is faded now - and long forgotten
I look forward..
To another.
So by all means play the game - but don't be tempted
To save your soul through..
Squinted windows

Roger Cornish 04 February 2008

' but don't be tempted To save your soul through.. Squinted windows' Just wonderful!

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Clare McWilliams

Clare McWilliams

Bangor, Northern Ireland
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