Look At Me Through The Father’s Eyes Poem by Daleen Enslinstrydom

Look At Me Through The Father’s Eyes

Where she stands at the corner of the street
I can hear him talking to her.
With eyes that are turned down
she answers him in the best way that she knows.

“Sir, do not look at me through your eyes,
as your eyes look harshly and see in me
all of my iniquities. Rather look at me
through the Father’s eyes and maybe
you will see me as I am.”

“I am broken and your eyes
look at me harshly and does brake down
all of my barriers and everything that I am.
It takes a lot of me just to stand here.
It destroys my securities and leaves me
with a torn soul, it makes me small
and it shames my heart to stand begging
and it fills me with despair
and sometimes leaves my soul bare.”

“Do not look at me through your eyes
but look at me through my Father’s eyes
and maybe, just maybe I will see some grace
in your glance.”

With some tears in my eyes
I look at them as they speak.
Her voice lingers in my heart.
How do I look at people?
Do I see them for who they really are?
They are all precious in God’s sight.

Daleen Enslinstrydom

Daleen Enslinstrydom

Springs, South Africa
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