Love. Poem by Ross Mabey


Poem - Love.

By - Ross Mabey.

Love is the elixir of life,
The very essence, that makes life worth living.
Born in the heart in a curious way,
The more you give out, in a detached a kind of way,
The more it comes back to you, with no bills to pay.

They say that too much self love, is called vanity,
If we have low self esteem, are we also lacking a love of humanity?
Whatever you call it, love yourself in a balanced kind of way,
Then you'll discover, life's an easier game to play.

Emotional love, in this world is the most common way,
Of giving love, to partners, friends and our families.
If it's done in a positive way, then we'll all grow,
In acceptance and understanding,
By giving others their space and not be demanding.

They say spiritual love, is the highest form of all,
To worship an invisible god, in heaven above.
This takes faith and belief in a god,
Who created life as we know it,
And did it out of love.

Whatever, or whoever, you choose to love,
Whether it's money, or God in heaven above.
It clearly seems, we can't exist,
Without having something or someone to love, without any risk.

Copyright © 2018. Ross Mabey.

Written: February 23rd 2018.

Sunday, August 19, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Rajnish Manga 19 August 2018

Excellent work of poetry. We cannot imagine our life without love. It is the basis of all relationships- human, divine or otherwise. Thanks.

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