Love Is A Job! ! ! ! Poem by KAUSHAL SABOO

Love Is A Job! ! ! !

Some say love is immortality,
Some say love is beauty,
Some say love is poison,
Some say love is fun..
But nowadays, to love someone is like getting a job,
It requires certain qualification to prove you better in mob.

Yes, Love see money in your pocket,
Are you wearing a gold chain or cheap locket,
It is the most important requirement to fall in love,
Nowadays, A diamond ring gives yes, and no to dove.

Love see your face,
Dump your qualities as they are not the base..
Their topic of beauty will be your bboasting,
So to get only handsome guys, is their duty..

Love see your status in society,
Are you timid or mighty?
It requires you to be master and not slave,
They accept your popularity, not the heart you gave..

Love sees your possesion,
If you have your own bunglow then it is done,
It requires four wheels to go till last,
It only sees, in society how long is your green mast.

Love see your personality not your care,
To enter in their heart, a good body is like a fare.
It see your muscle not your heart,
Bt they had forgot it is of same body parts..

If you want job in love's profession,
These are your qualification,
If you have these, you are done.
Or they will break your heart without use of gun...

Love is care, Love is feeling,
Love is joy, Love is what makes you sing..
See his heart not what he earn.
Love is decided by emotions, not built by money in ton! !

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