'Man Of Steel' Poem by Dashaun Rashod Snipes

'Man Of Steel'

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I am not here for your thoughts on religion
That you rehearse so carelessly
I am not one to seek your validation
For I am made of metal, strong and free
And In a world so ill I have no human side to be pierced by bullet shells the catastrophe knowing that you let go of the one you want to sacrifice for glory speaks volumes enough to make me deaf.
The heavy strings and bass beats
Turn my heart and soul to an alloy
A metal armor, a tungsten carbide helmet
With a face shield that brings me joy
Buffering out the slate of Clorox
I am not one to conform and fit
My interests have always been lowly
But my will, a force too strong to quit
I will not entertain encounters
With your memories, your fleeting past
For my direction is clear and unwavering
My sensors detached, my will steadfast
I hear you go around, spreading myths
Distorting imaginations of the poor
But I am not one to be fooled
By your tales, your lies, your lore
I am not worthy of your calamity
I am just a man of steel and might
So play your part, keep away from me, a field of copper
For I will not succumb to your plight
Keep your distance from the shiny fields of Silver
For they can be easily lost and removed
But I, I stand tall, unbreakable and strong
My spirit, my resolve, forever improved
So go ahead and play your games
But know that I am not one to be swayed
For I am the man of steel, unshakable
With a heart of metal, my worth never to degrade.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Man Of Steel

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