Me Poem by Donna Saphier


My name is Donna
I'm forty-five
I don't like walking
I love to drive

I keep myself to myself
I'm a bit of a bore
Don't come knocking
Cause I ignore

I don't know what day it is
Or what I've been doing
I hate going shopping
Cause I don't like queuing

I sleep all day long
But stay up all night
I normally chew off
More than I can bite

My health is not good
It does get me down
My teeth have now gone
From yellow to brown

I stay in my pyjama's
I do not get dressed
Most of the time
You will find I am stressed

I don't have much luck
Something always goes wrong
So I stay at home
That's where I belong

The telly's so boring
It bore's me to tears
I do not like spider's
That's one of my fears

I've put on some weight
Now I'm rather fat
I really am not
Happy with that

some day's I am lonely
Fed-up and depressed
I always get seen
When I don't look my best

I won't like tomorrow
Cause I don't like today
Nobody listens
When I have my say

So now that you know
All about me
I'm pretty messed up
As you probably can see

I'm drugged up on meds
All of the time
But I wouldn't want your life
I'd rather have mine

Sunday, January 28, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: me
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