Me And The Owl Poem by Ofentse Mercy Hajane (The Dark So'tho Seer)

Me And The Owl

The morning sun violently stabs the horizon
Colorful blood of light gushed from the sky.
All seem to dance at such horror
Down below the land, I stood
Mourning the fall of the night sky.
My rocking chair seems to be the wheel of my wonders.

The monstrous shadow of a tree was receding,
Coiling itself back into its shell.
Taking refuge from the hot burning sun that is to come.
Then another shadow flew to join it.
My eyes steadily rose to it...

It was of an Owl.
With a round dished face
And eyes of golden yellow like a sea of treasure
It peeked from a hole it called home.

My eyes sharpen at it.
My mind wrestling thoughts.
'Afraid of the light are you? '
My thoughts raced through the electrified glance between us.
'Funny! When many resent the darkness, you take joy in it.'
Again a shock went through.

The eyes of none human forms always gives you comfort,
Understanding that you not the only odd one in the world.

Its dished face turned into a mirror.
So clear, with not a chip on it...
... I took a look at myself.
My eyes brimming of unknown knowledge.
My face soft with love I cannot share.
My lips clean with unheeded words...

A face that nobody understands,
A face of horror, none wish to know.

I grimly smiled.
The owl seemed to hear my silent words.
'I and you are one'
The electricity of ‘understanding' jolted between threads of stares.
'We are what the world calls curses,
I hope that they may understand that, we, are who we are, because we complete them'
The owl winked.
My mind understanding the world it came from.
My mind keenly aware that it is me who is it and it is it who is me.
Heaven shall wait.
I found my piece of paradise in this horrid world.
Not many knows of such lands,
But those who are oddly waged in societies do...

... What a wonderful talk with my owl.

Me And The Owl
Friday, March 27, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: dark blue,intimacy
Ofentse Mercy Hajane (The Dark So'tho Seer)

Ofentse Mercy Hajane (The Dark So'tho Seer)

South Africa/ Johannesburg/ Krugersdorp/ Munsieville
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