Meeting At The Embankment 1967 Poem by Terry Collett

Meeting At The Embankment 1967

I had rung
Nima in the week
at the hospital
(the nurse
wasn't happy about it
but she brought Nima
to the phone)

she said
she'd meet me
in London
by the Embankment station

so on the Saturday
I went to the station
and waited for her

people passed me
on their way up West
or back into the tube station
going elsewhere

then I saw her
coming out from
the underground
she smiled
when she saw me
and hugged me
and we kissed

glad to see you
she said
the quacks weren't
going let me out
but they did eventually
why wasn't they going

to let you out?
I said

my mother had said
I was not to go out
but as I am over 18
they said she had
no rights over me
so they reluctantly
let me go
but I have to be back
by dusk

that's ok
I said
where do you
want to go?

I need a drink
she said

so we walked
up the road
and found a bar
on Charing Cross Road

we sat in a corner
with our drinks
and we lit up cigarettes

I should be leaving
the hospital soon
she said
if I stay off drugs
and stay with my parents
so should be able
to see you easier
at weekends

that'd be good
I said
at your parent's place?

no way there
they'd interrogate you
like the Gestapo
Nima said
we'll meet in London
some place

I said

we talked on
but I was just glad
to watch her
bright eyes
and happy face.

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