Memories Poem by Natasha Elizabeth Beatrice Williams


I remember a few things.
Not a lot.
But a few.
The things we used to do.
All three of us.
Power of three,
mad as could be.

You taught me to talk.
He taught me to be a princess.
You taught me to stand on my own two feet.
He taught me to balance.
You both, taught me almost everything.


I can't drive past your house.
It's just too much.
Too Many.
Too Many Memories.

The way you cooked.
The way we all laughed.
The way the birds chirped in the background.
And the dog's at our feet.
The way you two spilt..

You thought I didn't notice. Didn't you?
You thought I didn't hear the arguments you had.
Or you crying at night.
But it's alright. I may have been young, but I understood.
You loved each other. Just not.. together.

Still stung.
Still does.
Bullet ants have nothing on this feeling inside.
Bullets can't hurt me.
Losing you two hurt worse.

You were apart.
But we all stayed happy.
I was still princess.
Princess of you both.
Queen of nothing.

Years went by.
He died first.
I tried to die with him.
Even though you didn't know..
You were there.
You helped me.

Now you're not either.
I shan't try this time.
I know you still have things planned for me.
The power of three,
we shan't die..
Shall we? …

Sweet dreams to you both.
Sweet dreams like you gave me.
A kiss on the forehead.
A strong hug goodnight.
A long drone of the heart monitor..
dying out..

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