Milka's Morning Blue`s 1964 Poem by Terry Collett

Milka's Morning Blue`s 1964

My mother
is out shopping
but Benny
can't come around
as he has to work
as do my brothers.

I am left alone
in the house.

I lay on my bed
staring at the sky
through the window.

It is a warm morning
I can hear birdsong
and cows moo
from the farm.

Why did Benny
have to work now
of all times
I muse.

I remember
that time
when he came
and my mother
had just gone
out shopping
and we made love
on my bed.

This bed where
I lay now
and even though
I knew my mother
had gone out shopping
there was an odd thrill
that she might
come back
and it added
to the excitement.

But she didn't
and Benny had
just gone
when she drove back
in the car
with the shopping.

I ought to get up
and wash
and dress
but I want to lay here
a bit more
and imagine Benny
is here
and he's
beside me now
and undressed
and we kiss and touch.

I sense the electric
run through me
and I want him
and we do.

But of course
we don't.

I lay alone
staring at the sky
listening to birdsong
and cows moo
not making love
and nothing to do.

Sunday, May 7, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: teenage
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