Morphed Poem by Robert R. Railey



It's long been said that the body of the female was made from a hunk of clay, all soft and round with curves that abound
And even though it's obvious that the mind and the soul are also present in the female body, most men don't seem to be too interested in those parts
For when a man looks at a woman, from the top to the bottom, they usually have a single thought in mind; and generally speaking, they are mostly aware of the body and only rarely of the mind
The shape of the female body seems to be crucial to a man's way of thinking for what they see tends to awaken the feral side in them
For as history has long shown, lust and desire have come down from the past and have been with us since the Garden of Eden; and then of course, those same desires continue unto today; but the future of the sexes relies on both the present and the past
So often, the exchange between the sexes could be called discreet, for as it has long been written men have seen the female body as the universe
The thought of love and of motherhood could very easily be found in a man's heart but lust will usually rule the day and will never be left in reserve
The delicate movements of a woman might go unnoticed to some, but to the male, it's always suggestive of the female's fertility
Mother Nature has given man a bold command, it seems, and that's simply to choose a mate and then to populate the land
So consequently, women have a most monumental task which is to further the human race by her own loving grace
And with more than a little help from Mother Nature, the human female has been molded into a beautiful form both in body and face as she strives for perfection in the human race
And so the dance continues, as it always must, with the two partners drawn together by a mysterious plan
But forever and anon, and regardless of how they meet, the two soul-mates will find each other and mold their love into one

Sunday, November 13, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: hope
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