Mum Plzz Stopp Poem by sxc babe xxx

Mum Plzz Stopp

Ii smell the beer n goon on your breath
And you beg for me to put your temper to the test
You slap me around, and call me names
Mum, i'm sick of playing these games

One day it's going to end up getting worse
It hurts me. How you yell and curse
STOP IT, before it's to late
Mum, this is not your fate

You used to care
You used to be there
Now you've gone away
Mum, please stop it today

Bruises and hits
Temperamental fits
All is causing me pain
Mum, stop yelling, i'm not to blame

Your drinking away what's left of you
It's hurting me, and your hurting me, too
i've cried, i've begged, what more can ii do?
Mum, i've tried to help, and i've tried too still love you

It's hard, when i'm only neglected
When all ii ever wanted was to be accepted
Ii know i'm not perfect, but look at you now
Mum, you; ve got to stop this somehow

You've beaten me down once more
My heart's broken, and i'm lying on the floor
How much more of this can ii take?
Mum, please... Give me a break

You brought me into this life
And you cause me all this strife
But are you going to take me out of this world, too?
Mum, stop before that comes true....

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