My Career Secrets Poem by Mohamed Fazloon

My Career Secrets

My Career Secrets
by Mohamed Fazloon

One million miles away,
Following the company rules and regulations falling to obey,
With an obstacle of interest in my career,
Always falling down a furlong sheer,
Working around the clock every year,
I witnessed the corporate culture's precedence,
It makes no difference,
When company politics dominated by monologue,
Bosses never heard us speak or hardly a proper dialogue,
I was just ambitious, wrong and sarcastically debated,
Some job skills were even underrated,
Stuck and frustrated as I waited,
Certainties happened and wasn't even fated,
Professionally being able to be sorted,
My skills developed my patience,
And many explanations,
I had no time for more complications,
Not a fine beginning,
Though time was really consuming,
I keep thinking,
From company shrinking,
Unfairness and back stabbing,
While colleagues kept on nagging,
My colleagues were painfully challenging and very wise,
And early to rise,
I fought for indenture servitude,
With tears of my solitude,
Unwilling loneliness in a multitude,
Held down beaten by an attitude,
I can't even find my smile or my gratitude,
Struggled deeply thence drowned,
Like a grey path as I walked around,
I stopped worrying then lock into a vision,
Zero qualification but clockwork ambition,
Only just a quick decision,
I finished my MBA for job competency,
Tried ambitiously and provocatively,
Rising above the recruitment policy,
Applied for many job vacancies finding my opportunity,
Lessons learned being a bit premature,
Felt pathetic during my tenure,
I never looked back as I survived,
no issues swimming highly derived,
Fought the toughest waves of the ocean,
Finally I got that promotion,
They transferred me to different locations,
When other opportunities arised in forward motion,
By surviving the trace of my experiences,
Into a top notched deliverance,
That was my most basic ingredients.

Written on 19-10-15.

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All rights reserved © 2015 by Mohamed Fazloon

My Career Secrets
Monday, October 19, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: work,career,careers,job
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