My Friday Prayer Poem by Eva Clara Harahap

My Friday Prayer

Morning delight awakened all my sense...

I know You are there....

In every inch of my veins, anywhere....

Thank You Allah for giving me another chance...


Every morning, I pray to find Your light...

I pray I will be alright, to walk Your solitaire path....

I will do it again because I believe on Your oath....

That You will always be on my side.....


I once come to your garden....

You are in every rose I see....

Would you come to my mind for once? ....

To help me understand your wisdom...


When shadows and doubts fiils my day....

I feel all the longing to pour all in You...

Oh Allah, guide me with all Your grace...

When I seemed to loose my way....


In my prayer Ya Allah, guide me to be the best of me....

Through all the good and bad times...

Direct me to find my own place in this world...

So, one day I can proudly stand in front of You...


In my prayer Ya Allah, Let me not argue with your plan...

Let me not question your time....

Let me love myself as much as You love me...

And Let me be the instruments of Your affection....


Al last, in my prayer Ya Allah, All I ask of You...

Is to be my eyes, in time I cannot see...

Be my ears, in time I cannot hear....

And be my heart, in time I lost faith in you......


Copyright@ Eva Clara Harahap'July 2011


With So Much Love and Respect,


Eva Clara Harahap


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