My Life Poem by donavan avril

My Life

Have an unsettled mind, don't know what to think or how to respond,
I feel useless and lost,
A voice with no sound......
My life is the biggest journey I have ever face...
Don't know what to expect or what to look for...
I have been torn up many times,
But always find the courage to glue myself together....
Never been to a theater class but my life is a big drama.
Am always acknowledge for the bad but no one recognize the good that within me....
Am struggling to survive with a guaranteed I will not make it out...
Happiness was not granted to me..
Cause my life is just 30%...
I have to make something out of life to gain the 70%
I can't help it but am keep on bleeding on the inside need to stand for me and be who I want to be..
Need to pleased my self first then I could think about others...
I am tired of these pain and loneliness
If u don't have a positive effect on my life you are not needed by me.....

Vanessa Atille 16 May 2013

Our life is like a story that only ends when we are departed from this world through death. Yes everyone have to make something out of their life, you can only get out what u put into it meaning you reap what you sow. Example if you put into your life good things, positive things then u reap only positive things, if you put into your bad things you will reap only bad things, it is the same way that a good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. Yes, the way to identify a tree or a person is by the kind of fruit that is produce.

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