No Stone Will Stand Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

No Stone Will Stand

Consider now and in the past
Where kingdom’s once have been
How Christ foretold they’d fail to last
As now today is seen

Heaven and earth will pass away
But God and His will stand
What else does Jesus have to say?
What more does God command?

Governments! Man calls to power
With gross deceit they rule
Promises change from hour to hour
And nations live the fool

No temple stone still upright stands
Just as Jesus foretold
Truly the future in His hands
Cannot be bought or sold

The devil’s day will surely dawn
The signs are all too plain
A time the beast, his unleashed spawn
In havoc, earth will reign

Authorities are in a fix
Confused in all they do
While devils practice all their tricks
Against the chosen few

The world at large, refuse the call
Content, the fools rebel
How teeth will gnash at Satan’s fall
Awakening in hell

It’s time to rise, count here the score
The world’s about to die
Turn now! Through Christ seek Heaven’s Door
For night; grows ever nigh…

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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