Not This Time. Poem by Terry Collett

Not This Time.

Rating: 3.5

He was all over me
like one of those
childhood diseases,
and I said:
look I came
for a good night out
not this wrestle,
I have a reputation to keep
and not be seen
kissing and fondling
a guy like you,
I mean you're all right
for the odd date
and such, but come
on now this isn't
my scene,
this handling me
like so much baggage,
and kissing me
like you've seen
in the movies,
I won't have you
you understand
I won't?

He stood there
open mouthed saying:
O but I thought
we understood each other
and you knew the rules
of the game.

This isn't no game Mister,
I said,
you want that
kind of thing
you go find yourself
that kind of girl,
because you're not
getting me
into your darn bed
and having me
like that, O no not
me buddy,
you go elsewhere.

But look Honey,
he said,
this is what happens
on a date,
I've been on dates before
and this happens.

Not with me you don't,
I don't want none
of your octopus kind
of handling,
you go fish elsewhere.

He looked at me
and cursed
and walked off
into street,
leaving me
on my lonesome
gazing at
my new shoes
on my tired feet.

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