Note To Self Poem by josselyn marroquin

Note To Self

Remember the pain
Yesterday, today and again.
Remember the lost hopes
Dreams and fame
Remember the tears
I shed again and again..
Don't grow from our past,
Fairytales, they never last.
No life has a happy ending.
Satan has pain that is pending.
You see with your blind heart,
And where does that take you?
So afar.
You closed the eyes to your mind,
Soul and common sense.
Leave us harsh,
If that's what you meant.
Once you're gone the door will close shut.
Don't come back,
Enough is enough.
Stay close to mommy my dear sister,
Don't come back to me
When your emotions are a twister.
She is using you my dear..
See through my eyes and have no fear.
Protect me as I do you.
Don't leave me like I know you will do....

I wrote this about my sister. When I was about 5 my mother left my sisters and I for guys and drugs. She has hurt us in more ways than I can explain... She has abused us, emotionally and physically. She loved our pain. Now she for the tenth time she is trying to be a 'mother' I wont make another mistake, because she isn't fooling me.. She may fool my sister but not me. I am smarter than that. I will not pretend to be happy when she tries to talk to me. She told me herself she hates me. So i will protect my baby sisters. Who are 14 and 12. I'm 16. And my sister is 17... And I'm the protector... It isn't right... But no one will ever see what is wrong.....anyone out there has any advise message me. Or if u want to hear the whole background story message me...I need the advice
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