Nothing More Poem by Khloe Chace

Nothing More

'They don't go out'.
'They are just friends'.
That's what people tell me again and again,
But inside I belive they are wrong.

This guy I have liked
Since the first day of school.
My friend and I used to wave at him
When he rode home on his bike.

I always thought he flirted with me.
We would talk about stuff constantly.
He would tell me jokes
And stare me in the eyes when I laughed.

His blonde hair swishes to the left.
The eyes on his face are mesmerizing teal.
His smile and laugh are to die for.
All I want for Christmas and my birthday is him and nothing more.

After all that heart lift,
After my tummy was filled with those exotic butterflies,
Then after that surging feeling when we touched elbows when we leaned on our desks,
I realized he didn't like me.

I saw him with this stuck up girl.
They hugged all the time.
How is the world is she his pearl?
She is as sour as a lime!

People told me it was simply nothing.
Probably just to keep me sane.
But I have never liked someone more.
Never has my heart hurt or skip beats in my sore.

But the on the last dance of the year,
I see him and her slow dancing.
Just as I have feared,
He doesn't belong to me.

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