O Nature, I Owe You More! Poem by Ramdas Bhandarkar

O Nature, I Owe You More!

O nature, My body and senses gifted by you,
I owe You More,
In your lap I learned a lot, gained to energy to soar,
High in the sky clouds roar,
Only to weep and make green friends smile!

You look full of chaos,
but below that random clouds,
Midst of Storms and winds, burning Sunshine on meadows and deserts,
There lies scope for flowers of life to bloom,
ocean full of waves, looking horrible,
Below the morbid layer of chaos,
Peaceful fishes swim, above gulls and eagles fly!

Land is that part uncovered by ocean,
Yet covered by ocean of green life,
Waiting for precious tears,
Random clouds they need to weep,
Thunders roaring and flashing of lightning,
Makes oxygen embrace the ever neutral nitrogen,
JUst as Uma went into arms of meditating Shiva,
The creation started when carbon joined its hands,
Two handed oxygen,
three handed nitrogen,
And four handed carbon,
embracing one handed handicapped Hydrogen,
And there came various star dust,
Heavier ions with charges and energy,
Sunlight and moonlight well balanced,
Life stood up on its legs and thought!

There lies the peaceful life, if I know that all these are natures gift,
So, every life on earth has to say,
I want to say more, yet only succeed to say,
O nature, I owe you more!

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