Offerings To God Poem by P K Joy

Offerings To God

God appeared in person
and stopped me on my way to the church.
He asked me to show Him
the offerings I’d carried in my pouch.
Two tenner notes I took out,
bowed, and humbly showed to the Lord.
Then signaling me to follow Him
He walked across the road.

He asked “why two of equal value?
Could it not be a single note? ”
“One’s for you my loving Lord, and the other
is for the church and the priest.”
He nodded. Ahead He stopped
beside a famished beggar on the footpath.
And ordered “give my share to this man;
I’ll reckon that you have given me tithe.”

I did as ordered. He blessed me and said
“do always as you did today.
Go to the church for discipline’s sake.
But look for me amongst the poor and needy.
My share always you give to them.
I don’t need your gold and cash.
Give as much as you can do,
to the poor and needy. This I wish.”

I kissed His feet and said “I will”.
He lifted me and kissed my head.
“I’m pleased with you, my noble child.”
He said and pressed me against His chest.

P K Joy

P K Joy

Mavelikara in Kerala State of India
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