Old Age Poem by John Griffiths

Old Age

Old age is the result of a lifetime of experiences. Reflect upon all your accomplishments and achievements with pride and satisfaction. It has been your life; what has been learned, will be retain forever.
As you ponder upon both the good and bad times, do not dwell upon your mistakes, but look at them as lessons yet to be learned. Realise the importance of your life, and what you have gained through hardship and suffering.
You have the knowledge and wisdom of a lifetime of achievements, it is pointless to dwell upon missed opportunities. Have faith that your experiences will remain with you forever, because you are unique; you are the only one occupying your time and space.
Allow the knowledge you have amassed to guide you through your remaining years with contentment.
When the final door appears, it will be time for you to step inside, and allow the knowledge of the past to guide you into the next stage of your journey. You can no longer hold onto what you have no claim to, but willingly surrender to the inevitable, and allow the wisdom of the ages to transport you home. The doorway is the final step from the world of illusion, into the world of reality. Let go of the material, and allow it to stay behind you, as you venture into the light.

John Griffiths

John Griffiths

Crew, Stoke on Trent. United Kingdom.
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