Peacemakers Are Blessed (1) Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

Peacemakers Are Blessed (1)

Rating: 5.0

We blindly walk our selfish way
Like wolves and foolish sheep
We hurt each other night and day
And with the devil sleep

By day we’re Satan’s wicked tools
We seek to maim and kill
By night becoming lustful fools
Who seek their lusts to still

But seldom will our hearts forgive
When others do us wrong
Yet seek God’s blessings rich to live
Without a peaceful song

Best stop the fighting stop the war
Be wise stretch out your hand
The Lord has so much love to pour
If man would understand

Give up our quarrels, foolish spats
Give up each petty row
The welcome upon our door mats
Lets try and use to bow

Give up your rights, cast down your pride
Open your arms in love
Invite the foe to come inside
And seek for peace above

For blessed are those who seek for peace
Today as in the past
Plunder of wars will come to cease
But blessings always last

Lets seek The Father seek The Son
Spread love both far and near
Till peace throughout our world is won
Till Christ The King is here

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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