Pie In The Sky, T.V. Version Poem by Sandy Fulton

Pie In The Sky, T.V. Version

T.V. preachers come on every night,
Shout "Amen! " for the Radical Right.
They love Jeee-sus, the bomb and the gun,
To the hungry they'd throw not a crumb.
You will eat, by and by,
In that glorious Land Beyond the Sky,
Work and pray, live on hay,
There'll be Pie in the Sky, by and by!

About Darwin they rant and they rave,
And denounce all the science he gave.
Ain't it odd, when the poor need a hand,
Social Darwinists, all, to a man!
You will eat, by and by,
In that glorious Land Beyond the Sky,
Work and pray, live on hay,
There'll be Pie in the Sky, by and by!

Pity Jesus, whose name they abuse,
And the Christians, whose book they misuse.
They've forgotten the love and the tears:
They'd repeal the last two thousand years!
You will eat, by and by, etc.

There's a sin that we used to call "pride"—
To Perdition it gave a free ride.
Now there's folks who know they're heaven-bound,
Till they wake up some day underground!
You will eat, by and by, etc.

Their "salvation" is just "ME, ME, ME"—
As selfish as anything could be.
Good Samaritans? They're in the pay
Of those pink wicked Commies, they say!
You will eat, by and by, etc.

Now the "Antichrist" sounds mighty weird,
Sounds like something with horns and a beard.
Bet he's white, with a tie and a suit,
And a pulpit to rake in the loot!
You will eat, by and by, etc.

The homeless that sleep in the park
Are just bums who avoid honest work.
Folks who drive all the rich ones to rage—
They should thrive on our minimum wage!
You will eat, by and by, etc.

Women! Back to the kitchen to stay,
For you just love to slave without pay!
If your husband is thrown out of work
It must be because he's a jerk.
You will eat, by and by, etc.

Welfare mothers, of course, can't stay home,
But must take the first job that comes along.
Now it's "Workfare", which pleases the boss,
And the preachers provide all the gloss.
You will eat, by and by, etc.

It's okay for the rich men to rob
Honest families of home and of job.
Wall Street take-over lords are fine, but—
They should give the great preacher his cut!
You will eat, by and by, etc.
You daren't complain, that's for sure,
After all, it's your fault that you're poor!
Keep on praying, you'll maybe forget
That your stomach's a great empty pit.
You will eat, by and by, etc.

Come all citizens out of a job,
And all victims with pockets to rob.
Grab our land ‘fore it goes down the toilet—
To the bosses we'll warble this couplet:
You too can eat, by and by,
When you've learned how to love and to cry!
Curb your greed, help those in need,
Then we'll all eat in the sweet,
Here on earth, by and by!

1988, To tune of 'The Sweet By and By' and many thanks to Joe Hill of the Wobblies
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