Politics, Labor & Love! Poem by Tom Zart

Politics, Labor & Love!

With our fingers weary and worn
And our eyelids heavy and red
We feel we've earned God's blessings
As we lay down our sleepy head.

After death there'll be lots of rest
Though the living must suffer toil
Everything that man must have
Comes from the air, the sea and soil.

'Yes' labor is part of life on Earth
For without it we make no gains.
By work we receive life's rewards
As fortunes are made by our pains.

Most have cried; have mercy upon me
Who feel grief from loss or sorrow.
Persecution, suffering, job loss and death
Come to all today or tomorrow.

Mankind is born from a woman's womb
With a short life full of trouble.
Faith is our refuge in times of woe
For without it our troubles double.

They say all is fair in politics, labor and love
So prepare yourself for the unexpected.
There's nothing worse than to give of yourself
To wake up and discover you're rejected!

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Tom Zart
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Friday, November 18, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
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