Putting My Foot Down Poem by caz ……

Putting My Foot Down

why do i love you the way i do
i really aint got a clue
when i try and get you out of my mind
i can never stop thinking about you
when i push you away you still say your going to try
my hearts telling me i love you but my head is telling me its a lie
i dont think i can take anymore pain
my friends tell me its love and not a game
why do i think that this is never going to work
maybe it because all i ever do is hurt
im fed up of trusting people and all of it being destroyed
and i think all of that i am going to avoid
i am fed up of giving people chances i do that too many times
do they really think im going put up with all their lies
it is all going to fast i need to slow down
because i always end up being the clown
i want to say please just let go
because me and you is a defenate no
i am sorry if hurt you it is the last thing i want to do
but its never goin to work between me and you

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