Resurrected Love Poem by Keitumetse Mokhohlane

Resurrected Love

Resurrected Love I

I was staring outside my bedrooms window when I started day dreaming this
Him: From the beginning, I never wanted to let you go. But you let go of me. I didn't want to go far, but you said we should keep a distance. I told you about my everything, my life. You never took them to head. Please give me another chance to prove to you I can love you again.. K2, please, please..
I looked deep into his tear-blurred eyes and went speechless.
(He continued)
Loving you wasn't my choice, it's God's plan. I know it may be late. But not if we're willing to use our time wisely. Be kin. You know, I made a vow with God
To never leave you nomater what. I asked him to open my eyes only for you. If you walk away again, I'll become blind
. I couldn't do anything, except to shed a tear
(He proceeds,)
I promise you.. you know I've always been loyal. Receive my heart with warm hands.
He went on his knees,
I don't have a ring, I don't have money, but please promise me that you'll forever be mine.. give me the assurance I can't afford to let you go.
(I assessed him well,
After ten minutes, I responded)
You could have chosen better, instead you chose to break my heart.. I shed tears

Written: 16/05/2019

By: K.J Mokhahlane

Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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