Sail For The Sun Poem by ... ...

Sail For The Sun

Forgive me words,
Reject me heart,
The silence has not grieved,
The night still dulls,
The strength of life,
That whispers in dying leaves,
I forgot my soul,
I cast out my dreams,
I am subjected to this whim,
This abject force,
This supreme tyrant,
The heartless lord of sin,
The love is gone,
The beauty dwindles,
My fountain ceases to breathe,
The marvelous thoughts,
The soaring flights,
My sacred realm of dream,
The innocent fantasy,
Was struck by reason,
Strangled by words of fright,
The perverse design,
That twist the light,
Shattered my intent of being,
I am lost, alone, cast out; deceived,
By - the barren cold,
Through vast expanse,
In ancient territories,
Where knights of yore,
Still battled for life,
Consumed by strife,
Never cowered by any at all,
The mighty of old,
The strength of the seas,
The ships laden with hopes of abroad,
Lay anchor in love,
Cast out in mystery,
Fueled only by the nights within,
Where all sat tight,
With maidens eye-bright,
To share the adventures from before,
But all would return at the call of the tide,
The journey would begin,
These few dozen men,
The kings of the past,
Abandoned the world again,
For the promise was pure,
The risk was too tempting,
All knew of the tales from beyond,
Where man is alone,
With nature his right,
In cities lined with gold,
Not a doubt not a fear,
Nor regret or a tear,
Clouded the face of any one,
But pride filled their gaze,
Delight pierced the haze,
And together they sail for the sun.

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Perth, Canada
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