Samhain Poem by Dashaun Rashod Snipes


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Oh, Samhain, night of magic and mystery
Where spirits roam free in the darkness
A time when the veil is thin, and all is eerie
As the world twirls in a dance of starkness
The last harvest, winter's touch drawing near
Nature's song a melancholy tune
As we gather around the bonfire, without fear
Welcoming this season of change, soon
The moon's glow shines upon us, guiding our steps
As we don our masks, becoming someone else
A time for mischief, for tricks and treats
A night where the unknown is free to express itself
The ancestors whisper in the wind's embrace
Their wisdom lingers in the crisp autumn air
Guiding us, reminding us of our place
As we honor them, with offerings and prayer
Oh, Samhain, a time of reflection and release
A chance to shed the old and embrace the new
Where our inner demons we can appease
And our true selves, we can fully pursue
For on this night, the world is reborn
As we honor the cycle of life and death
A time to let go of all that we mourn
And dance with the spirits, until our last breath
So, let us revel in this sacred night
Embrace the shadows, and banish all fear
For Samhain is here, with all its might
A celebration of all that we hold dear.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Samhain

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