Saudade Poem by Gencay


I've been through very long roads
I searched everywhere by mixing
I looked at all the cemeteries
I went into all delivery rooms
I wandered across the beaches
Finked even at the poles
Barefoot in the desert
I climbed the highest hills
I went a thousand feet below the ground
I couldnt find it.

I became a diver, I dived into the sea
I became an eagle and climbed the sky
I looked through every book
I even got into the past and got involved
I'm already teasing the future
I know you were in this world
Water of all colors came down on my feet
I devoted my life to finding you
No, I never stopped looking for
I couldnt find it.

I didn't take a break for a moment
I never gave up searching
I guess I didn't say I couldn't find
If it's cold it's cold, I'm cold
If it's hot it's hot, I'm sweaty
I went that way
I couldn't go for a moment from you
I sneaked into the spacecraft
I even searched the universe and came
I couldnt find it.

Nothing appears to be exposed -
it is not as secret - they say
I'm sure you were not exposed
You were not covered either
I looked into the birds' nests
To the turtle of the trees
I also looked inside the mussels
I plunged into the hoses
I even stopped the winds
I couldnt find it.

You were walking there alone
My feet were covered in blood
I could not walk anymore
You were walking slowly
I called out, you didn't hear
I started crawling too
You stopped for a moment and sat down
I came and put my head on your stomach
I thought it was real, it turns out-
death has fallen.

"The Saudade in me has resurrected..."

SAUDADE; In Portuguese it means "the deep longing felt in the absence of someone and the feeling you experience the moment you realize that something you once lost can never be yours again."

Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: separation
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