Michellina Cookington Poems

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Shots Fired

Hi, my name is Aliea Shell, I'm six years old, I live on, Thirty One Hundred Greenville avenue. I always hear shots fired, I don't know what that means. It was March 17,2012. Mamma was making my hair pretty, we were on the porch. Me, my mama, and my little sister, she's two. A truck came by, not the ice cream truck, this one's mean. A man out the window, seven loud noises came out. I felt them all, I wonder if they know, that's how old I would've turned this year.

My name is Canvas, I'm 26, they say curiosity killed the cat, but I'm only human. It was May 26th gunshots, I hurried to my door to see a gun being aimed at a man on a bike, guess the street didn't teach him to shoot, cause now I see my own blood running lose, do you believe in second chances?
My name is Josh Anderson, I was 14 when I killed an innocent bystander. I didn't know he was married, with two kids two years younger than me. It wasn't my fault, I'm in the 8th grade. I seen my enemy point the gun at me. It's kill or be killed, I shot him 6 times. I'm gonna do life for this. It wasn't even my gun it was my brother's.

People You May Know- Kevin Kantor

When my rapist showed up under the People You may know tab on Facebook it felt like the closest to the crime scene I've ever been.

That is if I don't count the clockwork murder that I make of my own memory every time that I drive down Colfax avenue.

America's Finest Crop

We grow guns.

We place them in the hands of Americans and say,

This Is Going To Suck - Matthew Dicks

It's December 23rd 1988. I'm 17 years old, I'm coming out of the record store. My friend Pat sees me, he asks me what's in the shopping bag I'm holding. I tell him it's a concert t shirt. Christmas present for Benjy are friends and my best friend pet looks at me a little funny and Pat's only 14 at the time but he's already cooler than I will ever be in my entire life so when he looks at me like that I always pay attention that tells me that guys don't buy Christmas presents for other guys and especially surprise Christmas presents he tells me that he's had girlfriends for like six months and never bought them a thing so for me to buy denji a Christmas present is a little odd.
I'm suddenly feeling very self-conscious about the betta fish in the backseat of my car that I bought at the pet store for Pat like an hour ago and the comic books for food and the sweatshirt for Tom and all the presents.
And I know that Pat is right that my parents might my evil stepfather and their failing marriage and no money has made every Christmas for years just a misery but for the first time in my life I have money in my pocket I'm a manager at McDonald's making $5.75 an hour working full-time while I'm in highschool and I am the richest person I know and so I'm going to use this money to buy myself a great Christmas.
I'm heading home now I need to get my uniform cuz I have a shift at McDonald's later I got to get these presents into the house. It's starting to snow out it's kind of lovely I'm driving my mother is 1976 Datson B210. It's a car about the size of a box of Pop-Tarts.

A Poem On Texting And Driving - Lauryn Penland

Spirit Of Giving- Jeremy Loveday

Homeless- Keith Mcintosh

Homeless are not a disease.
Not all homeless do drugs.
Not all homeless are thugs.
Some homeless got kicked out of parents house because of life choices.

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