Scientific Method Poem by anteaus berryhill

Scientific Method

Im critically thinking

I observe her emotions.

I predict about her feelings.

Then experiment on her attraction.

I graph a correlation of our relations.

We sometimes become negative and we sometimes become positive.

But I never figure out a problem.

So my theory is not solved.

I couldn't find her behaviorism.

But finding her heart was my mission.

I got to formulate a bond between us.

We love each other then we don't so where is the trust.

She is my case study, but it don't take psychology or biology to find our loving.

No couseling.

We must create positive bonds not electrons.

We must be together like hydrophilic(water loving) not hydrophobic (not water loving)

I done so many researches of facts but never find the cause and effect.

Im just a scientist of love and our test results started out positive but ended up negative.

My hypothesis I guess she thinks I cheated on her.

I try to do this experiment methodical, but I can't go by a horoscope of astrology.

Biology or chemistry and I'm not a mind reader like psychology.

But maybe I should make a explanation of what have changeher emotions.

She say the things I do was the cause of her emotion.

So her heart is broken.

And she hold my heart as her token it was never mistaken but my eyes are awaken.

I made mistakes that I wish I could change, but my actions had cause her pain.

So my theory was my actions of hurting her and I will promise that I will remain true.

Not talking about true religion but im talking about vision of our future.

You see i predict a hypothesis that we will be together forever only if I dont make her cry like a bad weather.

Or fail this experiment with a error.

I'm trying to overcome matter of nature and with you I will cherish
like treasure.

That is hidden on this earth to keep you safe from terror.

Error Success