Seduction Of The Groom (Love Poem) Poem by Doren Robbins

Seduction Of The Groom (Love Poem)

Rating: 4.8

Now I remember how you resisted me
and the solitary way I lived
back then, when we started up.
I was still too reckless, I was like
a deep current, something heavy and ragged
pulling you down. And it angered you
that you had to come through that part of me
to reach me, but you did. It was September,
and all the gold-veined sycamore leaves were
coming apart, every morning there was
a copper mist that didn't look natural, but
it is common to all of us who live now.

We used to go down to the sea everyday
and everyday you complained about how cold it was,
the sharp rippling water raised your nipples.
You resisted me, and I thought you were difficult,
we were both still in our twenties― I wanted to make
every decision, and whatever I wanted you wanted it
to come through you. What can people see
who live like that?

At first I thought you were much worse off.
Now I believe you knew more than I did, you were stronger,
you were a wild branch tossing on the cold waves, and you
were the grounded one, pulling me― as close as I could get―
back to the sand the waves topped over. And I was lucky,
even though you resisted me all of the time, I endured it
until I was worthy of being resisted by you.

Doren Robbins

Doren Robbins

Los Angeles, California
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