Shattering Poem by Nightshade Starlight


The world is spinning around me,
Crashing down, down down.
These fears are escaping,
That've been bottled for so long.
I'm drowning in sorrow and misery.

Keep everything bottled,
Just smile and act normal.
Keep emotions locked away,
Until I can't reach them anymore.
Please don't let the glass shatter around me.

Keep them away,
These haunting feelings.
That have left an empty presance.
Just let the world keep sipinning round,
let it crash down, down, down.

Hold it all back
And keep it under cracking glass.
Ignore the suden burst of tears.
Silently scream out to the sky,
While the glass starts to crumble.

Tape it up quickly,
Keep everything buried.
Don't let it resurace now.
Befroe it coms crashing down,
Hold it back, keep holding it back.

Keep them away.
These haunting feelings,
That have an empty resance.
Just let the world keep spinning round,
Let it crash down, down, down.

Don't let this glass shatter now.
Just let me drown.
Don't burst into tears
At unexpected moment.s
Don't fall to my knees in pain.

Keep it away like it's always been.
Let me feel an eternal numbness.
Keep me in the dark,
Where no on can find me.
Leave me be in my misery.

Keep them away.
These haunting feelings,
That have left an empty presances.
Just let the world keep spinning round,
Let it crash down, down, down.

Let me deep drowning
Until I lose my breath.
The sound of cracking glass,
Echoing, echoing, echoing.
Then glass shattering.

Finally, scilence.

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