Starfish Were You Created In The Stars And Thrown Down To Earth Poem by Shane Dickie

Starfish Were You Created In The Stars And Thrown Down To Earth

Starfish were you Created in the Stars and Thrown Down to Earth
Starfish, are you a gift from the heavens
Cast down to Earth for mere mortals to enjoy?
Starfish, were you once a star that shone too bright
For the jealous sky?
Starfish, I want to know your maker,
Tell me the secrets of the heavens,
Where do the heavens begins and where do the heavens end?
What role do Man and Woman play?
Are we just mere spectators or are we
Deliberate actors in this grand drama?
Oh starfish, you must know you are
Regal in your form, character and beauty,
Starfish, whisper the secrets in my ear,
Tell me as I swim next to you,
And bask in your beauty,
Starfish, be my monarch and rule my divided kingdom,
Humanity is lost and looking for guidance
Show us the way back to simplicity, nature and mystery,
Starfish, lead us back to the road we left
Now lost,
Show us the way back to our lost Eden.

Evelyn Morianos 27 January 2022

This is beautiful and very well written.

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