State Of Mind Poem by Fauxcroft Wade

State Of Mind

Rating: 4.5

I live from the mind

I don't live by design

And if I am honest

My life has been fine.

I am into punk rock

But I never wore the clothes,

For me it was a mind thing,

It's what I chose,

And I am an anarchist

But people are surprised about this,

Because when you see me

I don't seem to fit,

Into how you would think

Because it's mind that's living it.

I live from the mind

I don't live by design

And if I am honest

My life has been fine.

When I am at work,

Where I am in charge,

I don't subscribe to being boss

Just goes against my mind,

I lead from the front,

I lead by example,

I would never ask people to do

What I would not do.

I live from the mind

I don't live by design

And if I am honest

My life has been fine.

People choose style over substance today

And in my mind I witness this,

But I can't live this way

And people may not like this,

But I can't help being me

Because in my mind I am always free.

I live from the mind

I don't live by design

And if I am honest

My life has been fine.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: inspirational,spiritual,spirituality
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