Survival Poem by P K Joy


My life has been a series of grueling tests of
intractable determination
To survive every adversity that is loaded with my annihilation.
Adversities started threatening me right from my mother’s womb.
I will indeed beat their plan to afflict me till I enter my tomb.
We grapple with each other, one to defeat and the other to survive,
One in many a shape and size, and the other
in a frail body with resolute nerve.

As my mother couldn’t afford one more child,
she took medicine to abort.
My fetus refused to give in, bravely fought
and defeated the onslaught!
Ever since my unwelcome birth, poverty in all its manifestations
Including starvation, diseases, scorn, exploitation, and deprivation
Of the essentials of civilized life, kept me under painful affliction.
And adversity in all forms of ugly reflections
kept me under repression.
Continually they have been offering me threats of my end.
But my undernourished body and unbeatable mind refuse to bend.

I resist, fight back using all the ways and means within my reach
And overtake poverty and adversity before they make me perish.
People in general believe that adversities have retarded my growth.
No! They have brought out the best in me to face the world, is the truth.
Continual exposure to afflictions and constant fights to survive
Have given me ever-increasing strength
to resist with courage, and live.
I never admit defeat. I do face challenges head on and strive hard
To win, with the conviction that I alone must clear my path in the world.
However, when my energy exhausts,
my creator sends me extra Strength.
He doesn’t forsake righteous people
and push them to untimely death.
He has been heating and testing me
like gold in the fire to make me fit
To share His task. Harsh realities, through my sufferings He taught.
Oh God! If ever I’ve cursed you without realizing your purpose
Of my misery, I’m sorry with all my heart. Accept my penitence.

P K Joy

P K Joy

Mavelikara in Kerala State of India
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