Take A Pew Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

Take A Pew

There’s no one called to fill a pew
But some yet sit with nought to do
When work’s at hand, they shrink and swerve
While Jesus came on earth to serve

The lost outside die everywhere
Unknown eternal life’s to share
Although we’re called their souls to win
Yet still they perish steeped in sin

The Lord said, “Wash each other’s feet
Then see the chaff fall from the wheat”
The proud may say, “Of what you ask
For me is not this menial task”

But what is great and what is not?
What’s an “i” without a dot?
What in the church is valued most?
The pulpit, pew or Holy Ghost?

Some think God’s child can’t understand
Lest they come diploma in hand
Could this be where the failure lies?
For won’t the least confound the wise?

Like Mathew, Mark, Peter and John
On such has God relied upon
Not one possessed papers from school
Yet each God called to be His tool

No other place had Christ to search
Through unschooled men He built His church
God’s word was kept in every way
What more can schools do now today?

Yet all are called to do their bit
Much more than in a pew to sit
Best think if when Christ speaks to you
There’s many called God chooses few.

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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