That Christmas 1961 Poem by Terry Collett

That Christmas 1961

as you walked
up the lane
to the church

Judith stood still
by the hedgerow
and let others
pass by

and once they'd gone
she pulled some mistletoe
out of the pocket
of her winter coat

and held it
over you head
and kissed your lips
and you held her there

with what seemed
sparks and lights
exploding in your head
and her free hand

was on your back
and yours
were around her waist
the lips sucked in tight

and there was skin on skin
wet on wet
warmth on warmth

the wintery sky
and cold outside
and a car hooted
and went by

but you didn't care
you and she
just held in there
breath held

breathing gone
head swimming
eyes shut tight
against the day

the darkness of love
opening up
to that inner light
that god bless us

kind of light
that walking on air
sort of feeling
and then

you opened your eyes
and she moved away
that expression
of what next

on her face
her lips half open
her tongue lying
on her lower lip

and you both stood
waiting for something
wanting something
and she said

I dreamt of you last night
dreamt you crept
into my room
and stood by my bed

on tiptoe so as not
to wake my sister
then you climbed
into my bed

and snuggled up close
and I eased out
the cold in you
the cold from the night

and dark room
and she paused
her lips open
her tongue so beautiful

just there
and her eyes
all lit up
and you said

staring at the mistletoe
held above her head
I never dreamt
what you dreamt

I wish I had
I dreamt of Marilyn Monroe
and me standing in line
for her autograph

then just when it got
to my turn she'd gone
and there was only
my bedroom

and the blue walls
and cold air
but you weren't there
wish you were wish

I'd been in your room
and in your bed
snuggled close
and warm and near

and Judith said
shame about your dream
mine was better
we made love quietly

so as not to wake
my sister
and she smiled
and you drew her close

and held her tight
and kissed her.

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