The Age Of Wisdom (1) Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

The Age Of Wisdom (1)

“Can these bones live? ” The Lord once said
“You know? ” was man’s retort –Eze.37: 3
So God will resurrect the dead
To spread His true report

See not grey hair as old and weak
The failing eye as frail
But ask for help life’s truth to seek
For with it, who can fail?

Though and frail to foolish eyes
Despised, condemned as old
Who’s passing years have made them wise
God values more than gold

For what are years, but training ground?
Experience; but age
Where else is better treasure found?
Than living’s truest wage

There’s none too old to serve The Lord
There’s none too old to pray
Whilst breath remains to wield the sword
We’ll speak; and win the day

Within The Lord, we’re fit for war
In Christ we’re more than bold
More young inside, than ere before
It’s just outside; we’re old

The eyes, once bright, though wise, grow dim
White hair, yet growing thin
But while there’s life, we’ll worship Him
And in His strength, we’ll win

Our bodies drawn, quite often bent
Our hands once sturdy shake!
Yet through The Spirit God has lent
The foe will always quake…PTO…

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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