The Author To The Reader Of This Booke. Poem by Henry Arthington

The Author To The Reader Of This Booke.

I do not seeke to feede their fickle braine,
In filed phraze, that set there sole delight,
Nor how to descant braue on things most vaine,
Mens minds to leudnesse thereby to excite.
Because the time so spent, is lost (or worse)
And brings repentance, (if no greater curse.)

But: He that would be glad to heare and know,
The three estates of mankind in this life,
VVhat loue to his, the Lord doth alwaies show,
And how the Deuill doth sow debate and strife.
The former still dehorting all from sin,
The latter, luring to delight therein.

And how Mans state vnstable here doth stand,
Subiect to sundry hard conditions,
And still how God vpholds vs with his hand,
From all extreames in our tentations,
If thou desire to find release in neede,
Marke what is writ, The better shalt thou speed.

If any aske, whie such graue points of skill,
Are put in verse (which should in prose remaine)
Tell them againe, it standeth with Gods will,
Both means to vse, To make the same more plain.
As Dauids Psalmes, and Saloms songs declare,
Which, (for our learning) safe recorded are.

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