The Birthday Of Washington Poem by Silas Weir Mitchell

The Birthday Of Washington

REMEMBERING him we praise to-day,
Hushed is the mighty roar of trade,
And pausing on its ardent way,
A nation's homage here is paid.

Upon the great Virginian's grave
Look down the new-born century's eyes,
Where by his loved Potomac wave
In God's long rest His soldier lies.

A hundred years have naught revealed!
To blot this manhood's record high,
'That blazoned duty's stainless shield
And set a star in honor's sky.'

In self-approval firm, his life
Serenely passed through darkest days;
In calm or storm, in peace or strife,
Unmoved by blame, unstirred by praise.

No warrior pride disturbed his peace,
Nor place nor gain. He loved his fields,
His home, the chase, his land's increase,
The simple life that nature yields.

And yet for us all man could give
He gave, with that which never dies,
The gift through which great nations live,
The lifelong gift of sacrifice.

With true humility he learned
The game of war, the art of rule;
And, calmly patient, slowly earned
His competence in life's large school.

Well may we honor him who sought
To live with one unfailing aim,
And found at last, unasked, unsought,
In duty's path, the jewel, fame!

And He who girded him with power,
And gave him strength to do the right,
Will ask of us, in some stern hour,
'How have ye used the gift of might?'

Since, till this harried earth shall gain
The heaven of Thy peace, O Lord!
Freedom and Law will need to reign
Beneath the shadow of the sword.

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