The Blending Of The Days Poem by Noah Body

The Blending Of The Days

One day flows into the other
Never different, always the same
Yet some are filled with joy
And the others filled with pain

They blend together in a big blur
Mixed together as if in a blender
I can't tell them apart, not a one
It makes me want to go off on a bender

Anything to differentiate these days
To keep them from running together
Sometimes I wonder why I care
It's all the same, even the weather

Nothing ever changes, day in day out
Nothing but the pain, here today
But gone tomorrow, always threatening
Like a sword of Damacles dangling away

Today is what? Just another day
I can't even tell the day of the week
Just give me a way to tell them apart
Because it's not surcease I seek

Does the sun shine down
with it's everlasting light?
Else I just cannot tell
Is it day or is it night?

Is it me or is it not?
There's no telling them apart
These days that run on
Blurred together right from the start

The only differences in the day are that there's
Happiness one day the very next there's the pain
Never an end to it, it goes round and round
It all makes the tears run down, falling like rain

All mixed and jumbled up in my head
Why can I not tell these days apart?
I'm not dimwitted, nor close to stupid
If I say so myself I am quite smart

First the pain, then the joy
Next thing I'm feeling so numb
Yes the blending of the days
Makes me feel worse then dumb

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