The Blueprint For Good Life Poem by Ogolla Enock

The Blueprint For Good Life

When I was young; full of health and strength,
They said, 'Go to school, work hard, and get
a good life.' So I went to school and worked hard,
And pursued nothing but a good life.

A life of ease, less work, and immense wealth,
Away from poverty and endless sweat, with a big job
A big house, a few kids, and a beautiful wife who is rare
seen or a rich husband who is highly praised.

Now I am old, void of strength and health, with titles
and riches accumulated over the years, and a weathered
face that has witnessed many sorrows born out of pressure
and fatigue, but still, I desire nothing but a good life.

Not a life of junk away from kith and kin or abundance
without peace, neither power without honor nor fame
without sanity. But a well-balanced life; built around others
and with enough to share and spare for inheritance.

Listen to my wisdom you who are seeking a good life.
Life isn't a vain or endless pursuit, cut short by death
on this end and threatened by hell on the other side.
Life is a gift, and it unfolds depending on how you create it.

If birds can sing despite the morning chills
and fly high mindless of wind and tides.
Then you too can attain fullness of life and peace
of mind regardless of place, age, or race.

Only find a purpose and live fulfilling it.
The goal isn't to be the best amongst peers
but to be and leave behind the best of yourself.
That's the blueprint for a good life and it weathers all storms.

Ogolla Enock - 26th June 2022

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