The Bright Morning Star Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

The Bright Morning Star

A whisper in the dark of night
A flurry in the trees
God’s Living Stream of Liquid Light
His Shadow no one sees

Life’s Water from Salvation’s Well
The Cleanser of the soul
The Guide from off the road to hell
The Rock who’ll never roll

The Thunder Storm the Cooling Breeze
The Ship that cannot sink
The Clout in those on bended knees
Who’ve had God’s Cup to drink

Who through His Word have second birth
Who’s faith is planted true
Who’s trust is not with man on earth
Nor that his eye can view

Yet here and there and everywhere
He hovers like a Dove
Longing with them so much to share
Who show in Christ their love

The Holy Ghost cannot be won
But comes to us by grace
He’s here today through God’s true Son
Yet no one sees His face

To chase The Wind will only fools
The Gift of God is free
And all who keep Salvation’s rules
His face one day will see

Yet still The Flame we may receive
God’s Bright & Morning Star
We need but Jesus Christ believe
And come just as we are

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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