The Complete Disturbance I Poem by Medusa Waves

The Complete Disturbance I

There passed a rat
the size of a cat
took my finger
off my hand
but i did linger
above I stand
from the fat rat
-size of a cat
a blade, i held
ready to kill
AAAAHHH! The fat rat yelled
you paid your bill-
Retrieved my finger-and sewed it back
the light went out, and it turned black

Complete silence, I hear nothing
I stood quiet still, and i felt something
The light came back- 'tis was the RAT!
It had come back-ready to attack
But i did compromise, gave it a pat
We are now friends, i told the rat
-size of a cat
but as he turned his back to me
i ate him whole, as you can see
he tasted foul, like a dirty cow
he wont come back, not any how!
Cause now, he is, in me-
but you must not believe-
what happened next
I became perplex-
to see the rat
crawl out my mouth
i took my gat
i shot my mouth-
to kill the rat-once in for all
Now it was dead- i stood pride tall,

But i was not satisfied-i wanted more!
so i did go, down to the floor
looked for more things to eat
I felt something crawling up my feet
saw it was a roach-as it approched
I grabbed him quick-and took a lick
i ate him whole and soon fell sick
I sat down slow, and counted sheep
It was quiet late, so i did sleep

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