The Cult Of Personality Poem by R.H. Peppers

The Cult Of Personality

One day a King called in his Fool
Insisting the Fool tell him a tale
One intriguing and of wonder
But indeed factual and historically true..

The Fool being that of a fool giggled and pondered
..’my King.. dear King
Time is so filled with amazing tales that are very much true
And indeed that of great wonder..

If you so wish I shall tell you the tale of a magnificent Kingdom
So mighty as much it could only have fallen from within
And indeed becoming a wonder of a blunder? ..

Be there no disrespect to my Sire
This phenomenon of this Kingdom dwarfs in size that of thou Empire..
But my gracious King please do note..
…it’s not the size of a kingdom that counts..
Hahahahahaha! ...’

The fool laughed.. flipped and twirled to the floor..
Removed several balls from his pouch
Then began to juggle them all..

Though the King’s face drew a frown..
He raised a hand for the fool to cease his foolish antics
And continue to recite the tale..

..’as thy King desire..
So shall the story be told..

…in a time not so long ago
In a land none so far..
A body of people fought long and hard
To break free the clutches of a tyrannical monarch..

Each set aside their differences
Risking life and limb for their freedom..
The tyrant of a King used every way and means
To keep in place the long reaching hand of his influence..

Be it the beginning of this story is common
Let us forward closer to its wonderment..
For the commoners won and began a life in ways that were new..

Many began to shout.. ‘we must have a King! ’

The larger group stated.. ‘we must remain free! ..
For a King does that of which pleases a king
For anyone to drink from the cup of such power can indeed be maddening..

Blood has been shed on the battlefield for freedom
That each may have a choice and chance to chase and capture one’s dream
Not being assigned to be such or such
As to the selfish wants of another..’

The Fool again took a pause..
Twirled. Jumped.. rolled..
Then began again to juggle his many balls..
…letting each ball fall to the floor then began to speak again..

..’now my King..
This is where the story gets most interesting..
For there became..
The butcher.
The baker.
The pot maker..
The farmer.
The kingdom’s army.
The politician…
…and last but never the least.. the BEAST from beneath..

For in wealth and size the likes of this Kingdom on Earth had never been seen..
No outside forces could challenge it’s might..
But within its walls grew an impeding monster..

….that we shall call ‘the Cult of Personality’..

In spoil of the Kingdom’s riches
Many generations passed remembering not its bloody fight for freedom
Fewer became Farmers. Pot makers and Bakers
Many Kings and Kingdoms from around the world
..found a pearl in the lack of the great societies Wisdom..

..and with this knowledge became the producers and sold to the great Kingdom what it knew good..

Within the walls of the Kingdom small riffs became huge splits
Instead of each one’s dedication and hard work in pursuit of one’s happiness..
The common attitude became as such..
…if one were able to obtain fresh fruit than each of the other also deserve..

At this point the King raised his hand once again.. stating..
..’it would only seem fair that all should have happiness’..

The Fool laughed and giggle..
Twirled. Flipped. Juggled and riddled..
..’so very true that many of this Kingdom would agree..
And as it had seemed with those that were unhappy..
With some having much more and others not having any..
That maybe it were best to have a King..’

At this being stated the King’s face grew a grin..
..’it is true that to leave decisions in the hands of peasants
That neither would be happy if the other wins..
Which it is best that a King such as I would be best the judge..
For I am raised from birth to decide that of right and wrong
It is of rich history and custom such knowledge derives from..’

The Fool filled with giggles then said..
..’my dear King let us not get lost in thy Sire..
Be it thou Kingdom thou art the King..
But of this Kingdom was another matter.

..again allow me speak further bouts this Cult of Personality..

Within the Kingdom walls the haves and have not’s
Grouped in groups of historic divisions..
Be it the gradual birth of the BEAST from beneath..
For instead by one King dictating the measure of life to be live
Such was given to decide by the hands of Politicians..

As it were the truth of the Kingdom’s plight
The people would nominate those to represent their group
So long as they vow the opposing group paid a price..

At this point comes the wonder for the oddest thing occurred..
That of the Politician had such power
That it no longer looked out for the good will of the people
But only that of the Politician..

The lines of tyranny were simple and subtly at first
Them to do the business of keeping the Politician honest
Would report lies as if they were truthful blurbs
And move on to the next before the last could be observed

..Inch by inch each of the people’s freedom was took
..under the guise that each one should be equal to the next..

The Politicians ceased the people’s rights writing law after law..
Taking from those that had.. to give to those who had not..
…until all that was to be taken was gone..

Giving that the Politician no longer had to give them that had none
Them that knew to produce were simply afraid to..
For their labor were surely to be in vain the law stated they could keep only a small portion of any fruit they raised..

A sad tale indeed and needed not end such a way..
But now it’s that of footsteps in the sand..
By the shores of time washed away..
The greatest of Kingdom’s built on passion and dreams..

..brought to its demise..…by a Cult of Personality..



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