The End Poem by Mustafa Marconi

The End

Men of the earth
We have been warned
Repent for the day is at hand
And Hell shall be filled with the unbelievers
All of our showmanship will not deliver us
Prophesying in his name shall not immune us
For it is better to pray in private, quiet and sincere
Then to be seen in the multitudes, disingenuous and loud
For as a man think so shall the flesh manifest
Men of the earth
We have been warned
Seek earnestly and you shall find
That truth will always trump belief
For all of the major religions
Originate with the Alpha and Omega
Guidelines have been established
To live according to the laws
Yet we have attached ourselves
To the improper hypothesis of mortal men
Our ignorance shall not go unrewarded
Men of the earth
Arise from your slumber
We are here only briefly
Aligning ourselves on one side or the other
Of countless divisive fences
As the most glorious of all the fallen angels
Travels to and fro
Alluring searching, but naïve souls
His only mission, his only assignment
To substantiate the unworthiness of man
For if all men followed the true essence
Regardless of race, color, creed, or religion
Life would be beautiful
Everyman his brother’s keeper
Living according to the laws
To the guidelines so clearly established
For he is the Alpha and the Omega
As it was in the beginning
So shall it be in the end

Mustafa Marconi

Mustafa Marconi

New York, New York
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